Its our buisness to make you compliant

Health and Safety Workplace Systems

The major part of any safety management process is to ensure the compilation of documentary evidence and records to prove compliance with Health and Safety Legislation, Workplace Regulations and Codes of Practice.

Our extensive risk assessment portfolio, ensures that our customer's fully meet their legal responsibilities as defined in The Management of Health and Safety at Work Regulations.

Workplace Risk Assessments such as Workplace (Health, Safety and Welfare), PUWER, LOLER, Noise, Asbestos, Traffic Management, First-Aid, PPE, Fire etc…

Task Based Risk Assessments such as Operational and Maintenance activities, Manual Handling, Lone Working, COSHH, Working at Height, Confined Spaces, Display Screen Equipment etc…

Pro-active and re-active monitoring, defining and involving ourselves in your workplace inspections, assisting your accident reporting and investigation process, including RIDDOR reporting.

Workplace Risk Assessment

Safe Systems of Work including - Risk Assessment and Method Statement